
Dolphins and Winged Clocks...

Time flieth far and fast. 'Tas already been a week since the previous post and I feel like I just finished typing it (Thought I would try to abbreviate and make a new word.. or is it already one? That's what great about English... I bet you knew what I meant). Anyway...

So, in recent days, I have turned the ripe age of 25. Yada, yada - 1/4 century, mid-life crisis, silver birthday - I've heard them all. It really doesn't mean much to me. Yeah, car insurance goes down and I don't have to pay the extra $35 to rent a car. Petty bonuses.

BUT.... by rumor from word-of-mouth or other sources I've seem to have forgotten in my old age, I may now insert myself into the USCG through a mere two weeks of training. Now I, feeling better than ever (despite my sawdust intake and recent smoking habits... j/k mom), should be able to pass such physical and mental challenges with flying rainbows of color encompassing me. But the question remains... Do I guard the coasts of our beautiful nation from drug-smuggling dolphins? Or do I endure the final 12 months of my selective service availability? I believe the former clearly trumps the latter. Much thought required.

1 comment:

Philip, April, and Malachi said...

Greg... you would be my hero if you joined the USCG!