
A cause for celebration...

Evidently, yesterday was the worst day of the year. Some British psychologist has proven that January 24 is the worst day of the year. It was definitely the worst day of my year so far, so I'm going to go ahead and support this. For other people I know, it's not been so great either... My co-worker's wife and 5 month old daughter were hit by a drunk driver yesterday (they are ok, but still...) and a good friend's brother died last year on that day.

I guess there are 7 variables used in some ridiculous equation. Here is a link...http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6847012/

So, cheers. The worst is over.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Good To Know!...I can feel comfortable about not having to worry about anything bad happening because January 24th was a rather good day for me!