
Ten by ten...

I live.

Many of you have expressed concerns that I truly did not make it through the trauma of the worst day of the year. Clearly I have conquered my inner self and I make my return as a frequent blogger. Yeah, that's not true either. Due to my recent sub-6-figure purchase and the work that will go along with it, my free time will be unavailable for blogging purposes. Then, once I occupy my purchase I fear I will not be able to afford the luxuries I now enjoy. We all knew this blog thing wouldn't work anyway.

And now I'm sick of typing already so I'm going to take a walk with my girlfirend. It's actually above 50 degrees. Wow.

Look for an update in another 10 weeks. I love you all.

Go Pistons.


Ang said...

glad to know you are still alive....did you buy a house??
so....I'm gonna have a baby any day now. actually she's not due for about four weeks, but technically, it could happen any day!

Erica said...

Do we get to see pictures of your house?

Anonymous said...

Greg that's so great you bought a house! Maybe I'll come visit your house sometime....like this weekend.

Tristan said...

Greg, I'm with Erica on this -- you gots to post pics when you can. As for the purchase... beginning this Friday, I'll stand proudly with you in the ranks of those whose lives are owned by the bank. :) I keep reminding myself that this is an investment...

Unknown said...

greg e. im coming home this summer. i will see you. how far are you from ann arbor?