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It is true. It has happened. In the course of a day, the price of regular unleaded gasoline has risen a whole dollar to $3.49 9/10. In fact, a year ago I think it was a mere $1.49 (Correct me if I am wrong).
This does not affect me and my Civic as much as it does others. It cost me about 17-18 dollars to fill up last year. Now it costs me around 36-37 dollars. I guess when you look at it that way it is pretty bad. Every 10 cent jump adds about a dollar to my tab. I'll never own a pick-up.I guess it doesn't help that Michigan gets most of its oil from the New Orleans area. Or that's what they're saying anyway. Either way, Katrina sucks - which brings me to the point of my post. Truth be told, I would rather pay $5.00/gallon for the rest of my life than go through what those people are going through down there. If you haven't sat down and watched CNN for a half hour.. do it. Shame on self-pity. I'm sure anyone in NO or the surrounding areas would pay an extra $20 a week (even $100 for you truck drivers) if it meant they could have everything back. Peace be upon them.
It's getting to be that time of the year. The overnight temperature is under 60. The waves are picking up. School starts next week. This is the first time in 20 years I have gone through a summer with nothing to look forward to in the fall. Last year I moved to Michigan this time of year. The year before that I moved to Ohio. The 17 years before that I went to school. I am not yet sure if I am complaining about this or not. So far, I am not one to settle down. I have to be doing something else-- which is probably why I am not very good at anything. Sometimes, however, I like to think I am pretty good at things. I'm coaching soccer again this fall for my HS Alma Mater. Often I play with them in practice and I feel like a stud. It is those times I have to remind myself that I am 24 and they are 13-17 years old Christian school players. Nothing against Christian school players, some are actually pretty good- but we barely have enough to field a team, let alone cut players who are all but adequate. Good times.I guess I've just got that October itch. Maybe it's because I'm a Libra. Either way, I can't wait for pullovers, hayrides, pumpkins, and a cold nose. Michigan football every saturday, Lions every Sunday. Bound to be a decent season.
Not as a trophy, but as a reminder of an era. An era of revelation- good and bad. Not a many sour word or action. Laughs and smiles prevailed. In the hearts of both- a bond was lacking. Truth denied, shoulders shrugged... silence demanded an answer. 'Twas only fitting that the final revelation in the era of revelation was one of congruence. Peace obtained, sadness sustained, purity maintained, maturity gained. Time: far from wasted.Read me the story of how life goes round and round.Tell it like you still believe that the end of the centurybrings a change for you and me.
#3, third egg, over-easy, hashbrowns, sausage links, pancakes, and water to drink." You walk in and you see the same people every day- usually sitting inthe same exact spot. The waitresses know you and could probably put your order in before taking it. You talk about work, hunting, and fishing... You get up, pay your $4.77, and head back to work. Friday I did it one last time. Country Seasons, the homely little restaurant nestled in the north side of Holland is closing its doors, giving up its property to the expanding grocery store next door. It is a sad time for carpenters and mechanics who go everyday, if just for a cup of coffee. As we look for a new place to park our rear ends for an early lunch, I am sure our lunchtime oasis will ne'er be the same. This post is dedicated to all the little grease box restaurants that tend to their faithful customers not for a great profit, but as a place for the community to come together, get a bite to eat, and forget about the outside world for an hour or so...
It's been free (3) years already. You would never know how much someone so small could change your life... I'm speaking of my first niece-- the smartest, most thoughtful, most
beautiful person under three feet. Her latest question: "Mommy, if you make me a birthday cake, and you make daddy a birthday cake, who makes you a birthday cake?"I cannot imagine having one of these for myself. I am sure the blessings of being an uncle (although sufficient for now) will be far outweighed by the blessings of being a father.Happy Birthday, Anna.
You've been there. It wasn't the noise from the boats in the channel. It wasn't the tree that blocked 90% of the view. It wasn't the feeling of sitting too long in an uncomfortable position. It wasn't the mile long walk to and from the car wedged between the landscaping of the Home Depot parking lot. It wasn't the smell of the wacky tobacky while walking through thousands and thousands of people. We expect all that. This time it was the flames billowing over the giant anchor, the pillar that symbolizes the security of our coastlines. West Michigan's O.C., Coast Guard City USA, was filled with people in awe and wonder last night as the dry hill on the other side of the Grand River burned to rubbish. Sure, we are used to small areas of dune grass catching fire, but this was unbelieveable...
"Turn on the musical fountains!", "Take a picture!", "Should we leave?" When we finally left, it seemed like over half the hill was charred. It was the worst I've seen. Oh, almost forgot... there were fireworks. Couldn't even tell you how good they were.P.s. Here's a video of it...
In the history of new bloggers, I've got to be the worst. Nobody creates a blog then doesn't update it for 3 (almost 4) days. Apology given, Forgiveness accepted.. Lets move on. Truth be told - I don't have a whole lot to say. Yeah, yeah, so I never do... (I get the point.) As long as people don't automatically assume the verbally challenged have a lack of depth, I can live with the nametag. But anyway, I didn't join blogger so you could hear about my day. They're all the same anyway. If something cool happens, I'll let you know. Forgiveness accepted... Kinda wish it was always that easy. Maybe I'm on crazy pills but sometimes it is harder to accept forgiveness than it is to give it-- with God and in everyday life.