
Country Seasons

#3, third egg, over-easy, hashbrowns, sausage links, pancakes, and water to drink." You walk in and you see the same people every day- usually sitting inthe same exact spot. The waitresses know you and could probably put your order in before taking it. You talk about work, hunting, and fishing... You get up, pay your $4.77, and head back to work. Friday I did it one last time. Country Seasons, the homely little restaurant nestled in the north side of Holland is closing its doors, giving up its property to the expanding grocery store next door. It is a sad time for carpenters and mechanics who go everyday, if just for a cup of coffee. As we look for a new place to park our rear ends for an early lunch, I am sure our lunchtime oasis will ne'er be the same. This post is dedicated to all the little grease box restaurants that tend to their faithful customers not for a great profit, but as a place for the community to come together, get a bite to eat, and forget about the outside world for an hour or so...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

greggor. hope all is well with ya. i'll be seeing you.